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How SEO For Ayurveda Can Help Your Ayurvedic Business

SEO For Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic medicine, has seen a major resurgence in recent years as more people seek out natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness. However, in order for an ayurvedic business to truly thrive in today’s digital landscape, implementing an effective SEO For Ayurveda strategy is crucial.

SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, is the process of improving a website’s visibility in organic search engine results pages through technical optimizations as well as content creation. By focusing on SEO for ayurveda specifically, ayurvedic businesses can reach more customers searching for holistic solutions online.

how SEO for ayurveda can significantly benefit an ayurvedic business. We’ll cover key topics like:

  • Optimizing website content around ayurvedic keywords and topics
  • Creating blog posts and articles focused on ayurveda long tail keywords
  • Building backlinks from other authority sites
  • Leveraging the power of mobile search
  • Using location-based SEO effectively
  • Analyzing search results through tracking and analytics

By the end, you’ll have a detailed understanding of proven SEO strategies tailored for the ayurvedic space. Implementing even some of these best practices can help take your ayurvedic business’s digital presence to the next level.

Optimize Website Content Around Ayurvedic Keywords

One of the foundations of effective SEO is on-page optimization, which includes optimizing website content around relevant keyword phrases. When it comes to ayurveda SEO, there are certain terms and topics that tend to perform very well. Some top examples include:

  • Ayurvedic medicine
  • Ayurvedic products
  • Ayurvedic treatments
  • Ayurvedic remedies
  • Ayurvedic herbs
  • Ayurvedic skin care
  • Ayurvedic weight loss

Naturally, you’ll want to focus on keywords that align with your specific products and services. But optimizing your pages around these high-demand ayurveda-related phrases can significantly boost your organic traffic.

Some on-page elements to optimize include:

  • Page titles
  • Headings (, )
  • Image file names and alt text
  • URL slugs
  • Meta descriptions
  • Body content

Keep your target keywords in mind when crafting page titles and headers. Also be sure to feature them naturally in your body content as well. By optimizing multiple on-page elements around your core terms, you make it clear what each page focuses on thematically.

You can perform additional keyword research using Google’s Keyword Planner or paid tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush. This will reveal monthly search volume data to help inform which terms to target.

Create Ayurveda-Focused Blog Content

Creating fresh, valuable blog content focused on ayurveda is also tremendously impactful for SEO success. Your blog posts essentially function as landing pages targeting the keywords you want to rank for. Well-optimized blog content also helps establish your site as an authority on ayurvedic topics.

Some effective blog post ideas include:

  • Explaining the basics of Ayurveda
  • Profiles of key Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients
  • Evidence-based research on Ayurvedic remedies
  • Ayurvedic approaches to common health issues
  • Interviews with Ayurvedic practitioners
  • Roundups of top Ayurvedic products
  • Ayurvedic recipes and meal plans
  • Ayurvedic tips for beauty and skincare

Really focus on creating in-depth, valuable content that answers questions and provides solutions for a readership genuinely interested in Ayurveda. Optimize these posts properly with target keywords, and they can rank for a variety of relevant searches.

In addition to your main site’s blog, consider contributing guest posts to other reputable sites related to holistic health. This can further showcase your expertise while bringing new visitors back to your site. Just be sure guest posting opportunities are on trusted publications with an audience that aligns with your products and services.

Build Backlinks to Your Ayurvedic Site

Gaining backlinks, or external sites linking back to your site, is tremendously important for SEO success. Backlinks signal to Google that a site is trusted and valued for quality content. In turn, sites with more backlinks tend to perform better in search rankings.

There are a variety of ethical strategies ayurvedic sites can leverage to build quality backlinks:

Guest Blogging: As mentioned, writing blog content for complementary sites is a win-win. You provide them with expert content while embedding links back to your site.

Link Roundups: Create compilations of top ayurvedic sites or products with attribution links. Many sites will reciprocate links after being featured.

Business Listings and Profiles: Create enhanced profiles for your ayurvedic business on directories like Crunchbase, Hotfrog, and Factual. Feature a site link whenever possible.

Quora Answers: Provide thoughtful answers to Ayurveda questions posted on Quora. Include a site link with resources for more reading.

Influencer Marketing Campaign: Partner with bloggers, YouTubers, or social media influencers as an ayurvedic source for upcoming content.

Focus on securing backlinks from reputable, high-authority sites relevant to holistic health and Ayurveda. Each new quality link has the potential to give your site’s SEO a noticeable boost.

Leverage The Power of Mobile Search

It’s essential for ayurvedic businesses have a website optimized for mobile as well. Google is now a “mobile-first” index, meaning they crawl and index the mobile version of a site’s content to evaluate page rankings. Additionally, more than 60% of all Google searches now originate from mobile devices.

Here are some key tips for optimizing ayurvedic sites for mobile SEO:

Responsiveness: Use a mobile user friendly site theme to allow content to flex and adjust seamlessly across screen sizes.

Page Speed: Compress images and files, minify CSS/JS code, and optimize hosting to improve mobile load times. Site speed is a ranking factor.

Clickable Elements: Buttons, links, and call-to-action items should be large enough for easy tapping on touch displays.

Voice Search: Optimize pages for voice commands like “Ok Google, find Ayurvedic medicine near me.” Voice is the future of search!

Having a fast, seamless mobile experience makes it much easier for on-the-go users to engage with your site and convert as customers. It should be a top priority for ayurvedic businesses’ SEO strategies.

Use Location-Based SEO Effectively

Location-based SEO can also help ayurvedic businesses reach more nearby customers. If you have a physical storefront or clinic, focus on optimizing your Google My Business listing. This displays your hours, contact info, photos, and key details prominently in local search and maps.

Additionally, optimize service area pages targeting geographic keywords, like “Ayurveda Practitioner Boston” and “Ayurvedic Clinic NYC”. Feature your full location, including ZIP code, prominently on these landing pages. This signals relevancy to users searching for local ayurvedic solutions.

For ecommerce sites, make sure local delivery regions and options are clearly stated. Create dedicated pages for major cities and metro areas you ship to. This helps you connect with searchers querying for ayurvedic products available locally.

Dynamic map plugins can showcase your locations while also driving more local conversions. For consultancies offering remote Ayurvedic services, highlight any geographic regions you currently serve. Focus on targeting your existing customer base areas first when expanding to capture market share.

Proper application of location-based SEO provides a major opportunity for increased conversion rates and revenues for ayurvedic businesses. Comprehensive local SEO should be central to any geo-focused digital marketing strategies approach in this niche.

Track Ayurvedic Site SEO Results Through Analytics

Continuously monitoring the impact of your ayurvedic SEO efforts is crucial for success. Google Analytics should be implemented to unlock full visibility into your site’s organic acquisition channels.

Key metrics to analyze include:

Organic Sessions: Total visits from organic search over a period. Should steadily trend upward as rankings improve.

Organic Conversions: Site signups, purchases, email subscribers and other goals achieved from organic traffic. Measure SEO ROI.

Top Landing Pages: See what pages visitors land on from Google to determine which rank best and should be further optimized.

Top Organic Keywords: Discover terms sending the most traffic to prioritize building links and content around.

Site Speed Metrics: Page load times on desktop and mobile to address speed bottlenecks. Faster sites outperform.

Backlinks: Monitor new backlinks pointing to your domain. Correlate link building campaigns with rankings lifts.

Analyzing this SEO data over time reveals what strategies are working and which areas need refinement. Use these insights to fuel continual optimization of your ayurvedic SEO approach.


Implementing an effective SEO Digital Marketing Strategy tailored for ayurveda delivers immense benefits for growing an ayurvedic business digitally. By optimizing website content for key terms, building authority backlinks, leveraging mobile search, and tracking analytical data, ayurvedic sites can reach millions more customers finding solutions online.

Focus on providing holistic value through page content, blog articles, and other site resources. Establish your business as a leading expert voice that searchers can trust. Pair these efforts with ongoing technical optimizations, local SEO expansions, and front-end conversion rate boosting. Before long, you’ll have built an ayurvedic digital marketing engine that continually compounds growth and success.

With ayurvedic medicine surging worldwide, the opportunity is now to build an influential presence online in this space. An investment into comprehensive SEO tailored for ayurveda delivers immense long-term upside for new patient acquisitions and revenue growth. Let your ayurvedic site become easily discoverable and accessible to the masses seeking alternative paths toward better health and wellbeing.


Jaydeep Patel

I Start My SEO Journey Since 2024.