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Digital Marketing Trends in 2024

Digital marketing is an online marketing techniques and strategies and cover all the marketing techniques. This type of marketing approach also defined as an umbrella for all marketing activities for products and service and follows various online platforms. In modern era and gradual increase in technology and innovation, various business units are implementing digital approach towards their marketing activities.

This marketing approach covers and check which based on various likes or views the conversion rate of sales, categories, and relevant content. It is not cover only internet platform, which is closely associated with marketing approach, also includes instant mobile messaging, mobile apps, electronic billboards, and other channels.

Internet Searching

Through internet a buyers are more knowledgeable than ever with access to the internet. Now days 81% of shoppers conduct online research before making big purchases. Through this you utilize how to engine optimization and getting your business at the top of searches is an invaluable step.

Mobile communication

Mostly people have grown accustomed to instant gratification and easy access to technology. For waves of information use a mobile, smartphone and tablets and it is an untapped business tools.

Social Media

In digital marketing Facebook allows buyers to connect with each other virtually? More than 65% of business to business companies have acquired customers through LinkedIn ads and marketers realize their values.

Web content

Informative and good content always attract customers and customer is more likely to purchase from sellers with good and relevant videos, photo on their website.

Digital Marketing Trends

Artificial Intelligence

It is a biggest commercial opportunity for companies, industries, and nation over the next few decades and plays an important role to increase global GDP by up to 14% between now and 2030.

It is a concept that concerned people from all around the world and form all times.

According to Ancient Greeks and Egyptians represented in their myths and philosophy machines and artificial entities and which have qualities resembling to those of human, especially in what they thinking and reasoning and intelligence are concerned.

Artifical intelligence is concerned as a branch of computer science and its design of the intelligent machines.

This term coined at the conference that took place at Dartmouth in 1956 and comes from John McCarthy and who defined it as the science of creating intelligent machine.

It is use in various fields of knowledge like as Mathematics, Psychology, Philosophy, Engineering, Social Science, Cognitive Science and Computer Science it is all important in this fields.

All of these types of fields and sciences contribute to the creation of intelligent machines that have resemblance to human beings.

The areas of application is extremely different such as Robotics, Soft Computing, Learning Systems,Planning,Knowledge representation and Reasoning, Logic programming and Natural Language Processing, Image Recognition, Image understanding, Computer Vision and Scheduling Expert System and more others types.

Artificial Intelligence will soon and driving force many service and we already see it implemented in

  • Basic Communication
  • Product recommendation
  • Content creation
  • E-mail personalization
  • E-commerce transaction

Programming advertising

Programming advertising use in Artificial Intelligent to automate ad buying so you can target more specific audiances.

It is a type of programmatic ad buying, this automation is much more efficient and fast and its best for more and higher conversions and low cost of customer acquisition.

In modern era it is changing the face of digital advertising so swiftly that, According to the report of US emarketer 86.2% of digital display ads.Programmatics is a wave of future buying, selling and analyzing and optimizing online advertising.

For advertising both small and big companies are dependent on the internet for marketing and obviously.


It is an important part in a digital marketing in 2024.It is a Artificial Intelligence based technology uses instant messaging to chat in real –time, you cheat on it anytime like day or night and without your customer or visitors.

Services of this,

  • In 2024 its customer Service Power is 85%
  • The big advantage of this are 24-hour service percentage is 64 and responses to inquiries 55 and answers to simple question 55.
  • Near about 63% people prefer messaging an online chatbox to communicate with a business or brand.
  • Chatbox will help business save over $8 billion per annum.

Mostly customer prefer interacting with Chatbots for this responsive 24/7 give answers promptly, accurately recall your entire buying history.

Through this you can focus on important work, meeting customer, expections and automating repetitive tasks.

Branded companies use Chatbots technology, if you find any location then you can request a ride from Lyft via chat like Facebook Messenger and Slack or voice Amazon Echo and you know the current location of your driver. Now a day’s Food Market, Fandango, use Chatbots.

Features of Chatbots

  • Predictive intelligence
  • Small task interaction
  • Advance messaging
  • Natural language process and machines learning
  • Extend supports
  • Zero waiting time
  • Personalized experience
  • Better customer service
  • Improve user engagement
  • Targeting wider audience
  • Business intelligence
  • Performing surveys

Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most important elements for business success and most important trend today and likely for the next 5 to 10 years.

Online video is typically low cost and more effective and does not have the high advertising costs associated like television costs.

It is more powerful sources of advertisement than print ads. Today in business circles are starting to use internet video marketing in their advertising campaigns.

It is a best source of way to forward your business and there are many possibilities to increase your business sale level.

If you want new customers or subscribers and increase your conversions and sales then it is a best way. Don’t care about whatever you’re ultimate goals; the important thing is that you to have a good video marketing campaign in place.

You achieve your goals using online video marketing content.

Youtube Content

Now a day’s every person want to entertainment and for entertainment they use YouTube and other sources then they can see your video and engaged with you.

If you run a product business and you wish to promote then video offer tremendous possibilities here, you cannot explain your product in just plain text.

Then you will go to make a video and is your customer going to bother reading through the explanation or are they like to skim through.

Through video you allow to demonstrate your product visually then a viewer have a better experience when they watch the moving picture and hear a voice talking.

In addition this video you can add link on it of your website so your customer can visit your website and check out all of your products.

  • According to research 70% consumer say that they have shared a brand video
  • In business says that video has improve their conversion rate
  • In purchasing concept a 52% consumer says that they watching product video and them more confident in online purchasing decision
  • 65% of executives visit market website and 39% call a vender after reviewing videos

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become the most powerful tools in marketing team and this type of marketing is word-of –mouth.

It is a focused on using key leader and amplify your brand message to large market place.

This type of marketing focused on an individual’s, rather than large group of consumer to advertising the brand message.

This individuals referred as the influence and who is hired get out the word for your brand. Nowadays everyone believes on social media rather than a advertisement they focus on electronic media. For influencer marketing is best for this.

Artificial intelligence is transformation influencer marketing in the following ways

  • Through Image recognition with Artificial Neural Networks
  • Increase performance with Natural Language Processing
  • Increase predicting incentives with Artificial Neural Networks
  • Do Flagging posts that don’t follow disclosure guidelines

Social Messaging Apps

Social messaging app is not only use for sending emojis to your friends, or family’s it is a best way of send information and use for entrainment purpose.

In past few years people had ordinary mobile phones and which have limited features and functionality.

Just receiving and making calls and just send and receive message on it. But know they can use advance technology and sending picture, emojis and many things.

In which includes all the types of social media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapshot, Telegram, Wechat Line, IMO, KIK and Viber.

Visual Search

We have been taking about visual search for many years and in early December,2009 Google announced new search feature at computer History Museum,California.

In this research google announced new ideas and innovative things. Through this technology users can now search information by just taking picture with mobile phone or spoken words instead write or typing keywords.

In which having a feature includes finding places by clicking Near Me Now then tab open in your iphone or Android brewers through Google.com.

When once your location gets captured by Google it gives all nearby location of your preferred search term. But this new service is currently available in US for the iphone and Android power device with version 2.0.1.

Interactive Content

On interactive content people just click on, swipe, or interact with online. According to research 93% marketers rate interactive content as highly effective at educating the buyer.

In 2024 many companies engaged with due to his features,

  • Quizzes and Polls
  • Augmented reality ads
  • 360-degree videos

Nowadays many consumers’ wants these types of memorable, fun content from brands, as it helps them feel more connected to the company.

Voice Search and Smart Speakers

Voice searching is not only adopting a voice search strategy in not just about remaining relevant. It is a creating a unique and optimized customer experience and create a faster relation between buyer and seller and build brand loyalty.

According to research of 2024

  • 50% of all searches will be via voice by 2024
  • 55% American homes use smart speaker
  • 72% of people who own voice-activated speaker

SEO A/B Split Testing

Modern marketing is all about depends on testing and analysis. Through A/B you can isolate the variables in your campaign and easily you identify which version you need and driving the result you need.

These testing offers marketers give a methodical approach to making effective changes to their content.

On it having a Click Flow suggests pages with UN-tapped SEO potential, a high impression count but a low click through rate CTR and through this you can improve to increase traffic, leads and conversion.

AR (Augmented Reality)

It is increasing your brand value and using this technology to enhance the consumer experience and increase sales.

Virtual reality makes a lot of noise and gets everyone excited with grand sci-fi ideas, now AR is much more implementable from a marketing standpoint.

Many experts predict that AR will continue to outpace VR in term of market share.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and AMPs

This progressive Web App are essentially websites that work like a mobile apps.

In which having all functions of a native mobile app,it is fast loaded time, push notifications, working offline, utilizing device hardware,etc,and working without being limited to one platform which in reality means Android or iOS.

This app allows development teams to create web apps for any device that works just like a mobile app.

Block chain Technology

It is a simplest terms, a time stamped series of immutable data records that is managed by a cluster of computers not owned by any single entity.

All of data is secured and bound to each other using cryptographic principles who made by china.


  • Having facilities Tracking Media Buys
  • Handling all social Impressions
  • Verify online identities
  • Elevate transparency
  • Protect your personal data
  • Having pinpointed targeting
  • Authentication and Provenance


Jaydeep Patel

I Start My SEO Journey Since 2024.