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What is Remarketing

Remarketing is any promotional and advertisement tactic that stays in touch with prospective buyers after a business visit. Even though remarketing came into existence before the Internet, its use on the web is becoming increasingly common and highly effective. Remarketing consists of any marketing material that reminds people of companies they have visited, thus increasing the chance that they will shop again with you. 

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, will dramatically raise your conversion numbers and your ROI on your desired website. Because visitors to previous websites who already know your brand will become customers or conduct other valuable actions on your chosen site. Return on Investment (ROI) is what every customer wants to see from their chosen search marketing agency. For other knowledge-based companies, calculating and optimizing market research returns on investment (ROI) is a primary objective. 

The fundamental concept of remarketing is that people who have previously shown an interest in a product stay aware of the matter rather than actively being on a quest to increase your brand’s awareness. When a customer visits your website, a cookie is introduced that allows you to advertise online for them. It means that you have another opportunity to convert them into a purchase!

How Does Google Remarketing Work?

Google Remarketing is a way to link users who have previously utilized your platform or mobile app. It enables you to strategically place your advertising in front of these customers while searching the internet through Google or their affiliate websites, ultimately getting you more brand consciousness or prompting these customers to shop through you. Not everyone who visits your website is ready to make a purchase immediately, so Google remarketing is an important way to stay fresh and speak to your prospective customers while making up their minds.

Remarketing in digital marketing through Google, what you need to do is add a piece of Google remarketing code, also known as a tag or pixel, to your website so that users which is to be included in your remarketing database via browser cookies. The code can be modified for specific pages to suit more established categories.

Using remarketing, you can display Google ads to your previous site users while visiting the large number of Google affiliate links on the Google Display Network. A versatile tool that reaches more than 2 million websites and 90 percent of internet users, the Google Display Network is able to bring ads around the globe to specific markets. Reach them as they are watching the news, playing a game on their phone, or just reading their emails.

Use Google Ads remarketing to pursue potential customers by adding your website and app visitors to the remarketing. You can then target these ad lists. Before you start using this tag, we recommend you learn more about how this feature works in the Google Ads Help Center.

Why Remarket? The Advantages of Google Ad Retargeting

Google ad retargeting is a strong tool for web marketing as it helps the user to remain connected long after visiting the site. Remarketing can increase your conversions up to a staggering 51%. If that’s not a bargain, what is?

Besides, the chances of visitors with display ads being redirected on the website are up to 70% higher than using normal ads. This means retargeting campaigns are 10 times higher than regular ads for the display and offers a better chance than any traditional advertising strategy to convert visitors to the website. 

Google averages $0.66 to $1.23 per click for remarketing. Whereby, the average cost-per-click and display ads on Google are $1 to $2 in contrast with search ads, while advertisements on display ads are less than $1 normally. However, note that the percentages are their average values.

Whether you want to promote sales, boost downloads, or improve your brand awareness, remarketing can be a strategic part of your remarketing campaign. Below are a few advantages of remarketing:

1. Efficient Pricing: You should set up high-performance, automatic bidding remarketing campaigns. Real-time bidding determines the best bid for the advertiser to get the ad auction at the best possible price. There is no extra charge for using the Google Auction program.

2. Easy ad creation: Text, image, and video ads can be designed free with Google’s ad gallery.

3. Campaign Statistics: Using Google ad retargeting, a comprehensive report of how your ads are performing, where they are showing, and what price is to be paid for them will be at your disposal.

4. Large-Scale Reach: As described above, you can access users on your remarketing lists through their devices, as they search over 2 million websites and smartphone apps.

5. Focused Remarketing: Knowing also remarketing lists can be modified to attract customers who may add the item to their shopping cart and do not complete a purchase.

Creating Banner Ads for Google AdWords Remarketing

Display ads will help you promote your company when potential customers are searching online, watching YouTube videos, checking Gmail, or using mobile devices and apps. Banners ads can be created for remarketing purposes based on your previous site layouts.

Site banners help to attract users’ attention and increasing conversion rates to the Google Adwords display network in the process. You can use special online tools or graphic editors to create a banner. Google ads offer an easy way to create banners or video ads and reach your potentials customers in the process. 

By placing banners on your web platform or mobile app, the following tasks can be easily be resolved to inform:

1. Communicate with potential customers about upcoming promotional offers that are currently being offered on your web platform;

2. Increasing your daily visits of visitors to your site by using keywords, Adwords, and other various SEO tools;

3. Influences the user’s subconscious mind even if they did not pay attention to the placed banner immediately

4. By tweaking the display of ads with banners, displaying them for peculiar requests and audiences you are targeting. For example, show banners only to users who have pets or to those who bake and cook a lot;

5. Draws in the attention of your targeted audience to a fresh brand or product advertised

Creating these banners diversifies your reach and helps you promote your brand, generates unrivaled product consciousness by being eye captivating. It also increases your sales and more leads. When creating a banner it should have a clear picture and short promotional captions. It is important to include in the ads your company logo to improve brand consciousness.

Remarketing strategy

Who uses remarketing strategies? Whatsoever company that can gather customers information can take advantage of remarketing strategies. Remarketing is an highly common practice, although it being used often by political runs and companies without an online presence. 

A company uses remarketing to encourage their previous buyers to come back and patronize again and again, or even refers friends and families. They may send our monthly newsletters as reminders to past customers, either alert them or improved deals or whether their subscription is about to expire in the case of telecommunication companies such as Sky, DSTV, AT&T. The legislation also allows political parties to collect contact information about their supporters. Many campaigns use the information to update their contributors on the progress of the campaign and even to request further donations. 

Note that the remarketing list is the accumulation of website visitors or app users collected by snippets of code added to your website

Some of the the recent remarketing strategies aimed to the customers you may want to reach out are listed below:

Target all the users of your site: The most significant way for remarketing is to reach an audience that has viewed or used your website or mobile app. The “Google Ads Optimized list” is recommended as a way of targeting website clients, device users and other members of the public.

Target similar audiences: When designing your remarketing campaign or editing your targeted audience for an ad group, you can use ‘similar audience’ . Similar audiences targeting permits you showing ads to people with similar attributes e.g. Those who have pets; buying a particular brand of cars, rental or buying or house and lands

Tailor your ads to your remarketing strategy: You original strategy is as critical as your remarketing list strategy. They should have the same look, a powerful call-to-action button and definitely has to be relevant to your chosen audience. E.g Bob’s remarketing ads to people who visited men’s wears section of his website, would be a lot more relevant if the men’s suits are displayed instead of a normal message

Use responsive ads: Responsive ads can automatically set their size and appearance to fit the space available for the ad space, wither it being a side or top banner or a moving text. This an SEO practice regularly used to generate higher rankings on Google’s search engines

Up-sell or cross-sell to existing customers: Previous customers who have already bought items from you site maybe also be interested in complementary services that you may offer. 

By designing a list of “converted customers,” you can reach a smaller group of your website visitors, but these customers will already be acquainted with and curious about your business. Be sure to tailor your ads for this group. Also ads of related products can be shown to your customers. For example: Bob owns a pet and vet store and wants to reach more users who have viewed their previous pets they want from the pets section. He knows his customers would also be interested in buying dog collars because they are fashionable and identifies pets to their owners in pets accessories, so a remarketing campaign can to set-up to advertise these related products those his existing customers

Widen your location and language targeting: Since remarketing will help you meet your desired clients, they should be able to access your advertisements anywhere they are on the internet, right? Your visitors may speak other languages other than English and may access your web page from around the world, so ensure your remarketing campaign settings is set to target all languages. Also, keep in mind your shipping or services can serve those you are targeting in that particular region, when you choose you location targeting.

Invest your ad dollars on websites that show results:  If you spend a large percentage of your budget on one or two websites but do not get enough conversions to justify your investment, you may be able to reduce your bid for this website or exclude the site from your campaign.

Conversely, if a handful of sites perform exceptionally well and deliver a low CPA, you may want to increase your bid on those sites. ‘Conversion Tracking’ lets you see how many conversions you get out of your remarketing campaign. You can also evaluate your performance on Display Network sites that have shown your ads when compared to the Search Network performance and decide how to bid and optimize on the basis of this data.

Cap the number of times your visitors can see your ads:  The number of ads a particular visitor from the same IP address is to be be exposed to your ad per day, should be controlled so has to increase your impressions on each ads you place.

Reach customers within a certain time period after they completed a purchase: If you expect that your customers are likely to come back and buy from your business within a definite time period, you can design another remarketing list with a particular membership duration.  To reach customers who recently made a purchase within the last month to 3 months, two marketing listing is to be created: one having a 30-day duration and the other with a 90-day duration. The using the custom combination list to reach all previous customers on the 90-day lists but not including the 30-day list.

Example: Bob owns a pet store website, he knowing that the customers who have to come back after a period of time to schedule a time for his clients pets to receive their immunization.

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    Jaydeep Patel

    I Start My SEO Journey Since 2014.